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How to Master Reliability, Safety, and Maintenance in Your Organization

The success of any operation depends on three disciplines – reliability, safety, and maintenance. Operational performance is a function not just in how well each of the disciplines is executed, but in how well all three are integrated. In our white paper on Mastering the Performance Triad: A Seven-Part Optimization Strategy for Reliability, Safety, and Maintenance, we discuss why it’s critical to integrate these three disciplines and recommend seven tactics for mastering the triad. Following the tactics outlined can transform enterprises from reactive to predictive, from hazardous to safe, and from uncertain to confidently achieving their goals.

Preview the contents of the white paper below and download the full version now.

Defining Reliability, Safety, and Maintenance—the Performance Triad
Before jumping into the core of this post, let’s first define the three disciplines, also known as the Performance Triad:

  • Reliability is the level of certainty that each component of an operation, and ultimately the entire system, will perform within the required parameters over a given period of time.
  • Safety is the expertise, forethought, and level of precaution that ensures no catastrophic incident will occur during system operation. Safety eliminates lost time due to injuries as well as product loss, property loss, environmental damage, and capital loss.
  • Maintenance is the discipline of preserving over time as much of a system’s original capacity as possible. As such, maintenance is integral to managing risk, eliminating the loss of equipment, extending the service life of crucial components, and maximizing uptime.

The Importance of Integrating Reliability, Safety, and Maintenance
Viewed relative to the others, each of the disciplines above is essential but, by itself, insufficient. A critical failure in reliability, safety, or maintenance can degrade or shut down operations and get people hurt or killed. But, correctly integrated with each other, reliability, safety, and maintenance create a comprehensive and coordinated strategy for all complex operations. This Performance Triad guarantees asset availability minimizes unplanned repairs, deploys capital most efficiently, and optimizes production output while operating safely.

The Path to Mastering the Performance Triad in Your Organization

In our work with operations across a variety of industries, we have identified seven tactics whose cumulative effect is to improve an organization from one competency in each area to an enterprise optimizing its production, quality, resource efficiency, profitability, and safety.

Below is an overview of the seven tactics. Download the full white paper to learn why it’s important to include each one in your optimization strategy.

  1. Calibrate goals among disciplines.
  2. Share tools and methods.
  3. Align management systems.
  4. Create a unified risk-based approach.
  5. Implement mitigation plans.
  6. Create an engaging culture.
  7. Cross-train disciplines to create partnerships and collaboration.

An Investment Worth the Return

While the list of tactics above may seem achievable, mastering the Performance Triad is no easy feat. At a minimum, it requires additional investments in each area and the involvement of the senior team. But, despite the effort, the returns are substantial. In most cases, the avoidance of just one or two major incidents foots the bill for the organization being methodical. Higher levels of sustained performance typically give this type of coordinated strategy an exceptionally high rate of return.

Download your copy of Mastering the Performance Triad and get the guidance you need to optimize your strategy for reliability, safety, and maintenance. Learn how to unite and align these three disciplines and start seeing performance improvement across your organization.

Call 866.772.6770 for more information.

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